Varicose veins: treatment at home, natural home remedies

Never forget that varicose veins is a serious problem. In this disease, the veins become less elastic, and their walls gradually stretched. The disease begins suddenly. The pathological process may evolve over the course of several years. And if the time does not take action, then you have to try very serious complications of varicose veins, one of which is thrombophlebitis. Before as a treatment of varicose veins at home, you should consult a vascular surgeon. He prescribed methods of examination and treatment.

treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins of the lower limbs at an early stage it can be confused simply with tired legs. There is a slight tingling, slightly swollen ankles, especially towards the afternoon. Typically, these swellings undergo later in the morning and people can associate it with the fatigue. But, if there are symptoms not to ignore them. Because in the future everything will be much more severe. Due to the fact that it is not normal exit of the blood from the lower extremities, swelling will increase, there will be pain and heavy weight. A little before the vascular net will be much more glossy and it will also make the discomfort.

Permanent stasis venous leads to the fact that, in Vienna, formed a kind of bumps, which are clearly visible, and they are very painful when touched. Until recently it was thought that varicose veins are found mainly in women after forty years, that in the majority of time on the feet. But, today, this problem is found in a very young age. This is due to the fact that people began to lead a sedentary life.

Causes of varicose veins can be several:

  • the genetic predisposition;
  • pregnancy;
  • high heels;
  • systematic elevation;
  • the working conditions, which have to be on my feet for a long period of time;
  • Smoking, abuse of food harmful;
  • in professional practice, weight lifting and much more.

If the pathological process involves the saphenous veins, reticular varicose veins develops. The disease is not so serious as the defeat of the deep veins, but still needs treatment. Reticular varicose veins are manifested by pain in the blood vessels, itching, swelling, and seizures. Unlike the varicose veins deep veins and does not cause complications.

Treatment of varicose veins at home medicines and traditional methods.

Drug therapy of varicose veins

If you are diagnosed with varicose veins, home treatment should begin with the purchase of compression tights or stockings. They are suitable for the varicose veins of the legs initial stage. Thanks to a special underwear, it improves circulation of the blood. This is due to the fact that it is the same pressure to all the extremities, and the circulation of the blood is getting better and better. Also, the use of compression clothing is a method of prevention of fight against the formation of blood clots.

In the care of varicose veins at home, you'll need to use a holistic approach. It is an application of gels, ointments and tablets. At the same time, if we talk about the local treatment, it is possible to choose any of the drugs and use it throughout the course. As for tablets, remove varicose veins, if only to take drugs of different groups working together very effective for dealing with varicose veins. They eliminate disorders of microcirculation, strengthens vascular walls, have anti-inflammatory effect and improve the drainage of the lymph.

Most often the treatment of varicose veins in the legs is carried out with the help of special tools, Nsaids and drugs that prevent aggregation (sticking together) of platelets . The course of treatment is two to three months.

massage with varicose veins

It is worth noting that the varicose veins of the lower limbs treatment with drugs should appoint your doctor

The traditional method of treatment of varicose veins is also in the application of local therapy. In general, the use of ointments and gels is the main answer to the question of how to treat varicose veins. Their use achieves the maximum therapeutic effect, since they act directly on the diseased blood vessels. Thanks to the local drug strengthens venous walls, reduces the risk of thrombosis, normalizes vascular valves, reduces pain and swelling in the legs. If the disease no longer is the initial stage and has formed trophic ulcers, the ointment you can remove this problem.

From varicose veins in the legs prescribe creams that contain heparin , troxerutin , anesthetic gel, which contains indomethacin and troxerutin, exerting a combined effect.

Popular recipes

Treatment of varicose veins folk remedies at home has always been very popular. If it is of drugs varicose veins, treatment of folk remedies will be a good complement. Known cases in which it was possible to cure varicose veins in the legs only with the help of traditional medicine. There are recipes that are enjoyed by another generation. For example, there is an old folk prescription for the treatment of varicose veins, which was used even by our grandmothers. With regular use, will help you to get rid of the network vascular and make it less visible veins.

For the creation of funds of varicose veins take two carrots, two fleshy leaf of aloe and five tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar. The carrots to the boil and make it into a purée. From the leaf of aloe, remove the pulp and all carefully mix with Apple cider vinegar. To obtain a smooth paste all the ingredients can be mixed with a blender. Apply this folk remedy veins need daily. Massage, to last forty minutes and rinse with hot water. The strengthening effect can be achieved if separately to lubricate the affected veins with Apple cider vinegar.

As a vein treatment of folk remedies you can use miracle ointment for varicose veins. To prepare this folk remedy for the treatment of varicose veins of the legs easily at home. The ointment composition is simple, but contains a large number of positive comments. The main ingredients are pork fat, balsamic liniment on Wisniewski, liquid honey, aloe pulp and juice of onion. The effectiveness of this means of varicose veins is that each component has an individual therapeutic effect. And combine to give a magnificent result. Bacon grease serves as a base for ointments, balsamic liniment on Wisniewski has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect, and it causes the blood vessels to expand, which improves the circulation of the blood. Honey, aloe pulp and juice of onion are used as sources of components biologically active. This tool can only be applied in the early stages of the disease. After the ointment is applied on the diseased leg veins have a close wrap.

Treatment of reticular veins

When the diagnosis of reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities treatment of folk remedies welcome. Treatment of reticular veins of the legs folk remedies involves the use of internal and external funds. Normally, recipes of traditional cuisine of varicose veins is fairly simple, you can prepare at home from available ingredients.

One of these is the tool of all cream. To do this, mix it with the butter (preferably homemade, if you purchase a point, make sure it does not contain herbal supplements) chopped a head of garlic. A tablespoon of garlic to make two tablespoons of butter. The tool to use for the night. Apply directly to the affected varicose veins, top cover compress paper and bandage. In the morning the ointment is washed off with warm water and lubricate the skin cream. If you notice that there is redness, then treatment with this product should be cancelled. In normal skin reaction to treatment is not more than ten days. This means that the processes involved in the normalization of the circulation of the blood.

cream for varicose veins

Another good national method compresses are based on homemade yogurt. The milk should disappear in a natural way, without the use of starter cultures. Compresses to do at night, the course of treatment is two weeks.

There are folk remedies for varicose veins in the legs that can be used both for outdoor and indoor use. This can be said about the dyeing of chestnut. The recipe is very simple, but the result of your application will be noticeable within a month. In a bowl of dark glass in up to three weeks to insist on 500 ml of vodka, 50 g of chopped chestnuts. During the preparation of the media to avoid the direct light of the sun. It is better to remove it to a place where there is no light. Once a week shake the bottle. Ready infusion strain and take with food three times a day. Adhere to the dose: two tablespoonfuls of water taking 30 drops.

Also the infusion in the treatment of varicose veins can be used as a rub and compresses. But, in order to use the tool as such is allowed only in case of absence of skin lesions. Compresses to do at night, the application only to the affected veins.

To start to treat reticular varicose veins should be done immediately after the first symptoms. If there is a question than cure, there is no final answer. This form of the disease to be treated quite well with drugs, but it is also appropriate and traditional methods of treatment of varicose veins. In any case, as soon as he began to treat varicose veins folk remedies, the greater will be the probability that the process is discontinued at an early stage.

Treatment of Apple cider vinegar

Another effective method of how to get rid of varicose veins is the use of Apple cider vinegar , both internally and externally. If you combine the two methods, the effect of the increase. As all the folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins can cause allergic reactions, before you start treatment with Apple cider vinegar necessary to determine the sensitivity of the skin to this resource. If the skin at the application responds to a reddening strong, we use the method is not recommended.

The use of Apple cider vinegar in it is possible only in a diluted form. For this, dissolve in a glass of boiled water two teaspoons of vinegar. Drinking this product after Breakfast and dinner. Treatment of varicose veins with Apple cider vinegar will be more effective if used for outdoor applications. You can compress and clean up. For compresses, use undiluted Apple cider vinegar. For a night you don't have to leave. The time of exposure of the fund should not exceed 40 minutes. Procedures that are performed daily. The course of treatment determined by the doctor. If you use the vinegar for cleaning the skin to perform the procedure, preferably after a shower.

Leeches for varicose veins

Another famous method of how to cure varicose veins is the use of medical leeches. But we cannot say that currently it is very used. On the contrary, modern medicine is quite skeptical about this method of treatment. The vascular surgeons who prescribe the therapy with leeches, I don't advise it as independent. But as a complex treatment to use this method to get rid of varicose veins. Before you put leeches need to get detailed instructions from experts. If you noticed that after this treatment no improvement occurs, treatment should cease immediately. To buy leeches it is only necessary that specializes in pharmacies. In any case, not to use the services of the people who catch their own.

Prevention of varicose veins at home

It is always easier to prevent disease than to treat it. This well-known truth for many years, raises questions about the implications caused by the incorrect attitude towards your health.

Varicose veins is quite possible to avoid if you follow some simple rules. This is especially true for people who have a genetic predisposition and there is a real threat of developing the disease.

Apple cider vinegar
  1. The first step to healthy veins is to adjust your diet. Necessary to eliminate or minimize the consumption of flour products and sweets. Minimize the amount of salt, alcohol, coffee, and concentrated broths.
  2. To ensure that the body does not lack in vitamins of the b group. To do this every six months to take medication special.
  3. It is possible to remove the lifting and avoid sedentary work.
  4. How to walk more. When you walk the muscles contract and it is a kind of natural massage of the lower limbs blood vessels.
  5. If the first symptoms, such as tingling, cramps and swelling in the night, you should immediately take action.